Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pony Rides...

I found my self in a new neighborhood yesterday. I was on a quest to find this little park with a heart pathway that a photographer friend of mine told me about. I wanted to take photos of the pathway...not sure I'm thrilled with what I got there. Anyway, it's funny how you set out to shoot one thing and end up with another! I love when that happens.

As I left the park I took a drive through this beautiful little the middle of downtown Santa Ana of all places! I passed this house with these pony swings out front.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not exactly shy... but walking up to a stranger's house and asking if I can take pictures is not usually part of my deal. I passed the house... turned around and passed again... and then turned around again... Couldn't decide if I should ask... but I just couldn't resist! The very nice man who lived there, Eric, was in the driveway. He was so nice and told me all about the swings and left me there in his front yard to do my thing. When I was done he offered to let me follow him to a friend's house to take pictures of the swings his friend has, motorcycles. I started to take him up on this... but then started to feel too much like a stalker... so I headed home.

On my way home I hoped that I got at least one great shot to play with... I think this one came out quite nicely!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Visited the Dana Point Bark For Life this afternoon. So fun to see all the pooches with their purple bandanas on and just hanging out for a good cause. This was a small event, if you missed it there is a Bark For Life being planned for Tustin in October and an Orange County Bark being planned for August.